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Tent 39 Ministries

Tent 39 Ministries focuses on the study of God's Holy Word, plain and simple. With over 40 years of studying and sharing God's Word, the information available is staggering. Below are some of the things that we actually have for you to learn from.

Our List of Available Resources on 
Click any title below to go to that resource!

Chuck Schermerhorn is the "chief cook and bottle washer" of this group. He speaks at churches and functions as well as filling in for pastors on sabbatical. There is a generous amount of sermons with all sorts of topics to learn from. If you need a "fill-in" while you are out, he will be happy to help.

This seminar is designed to help men better understand who they are in Christ and what their responsibilities are for their home and life. If you would like to host a seminar, let us know!

Everyone loves movies and there are hidden gems in each one; well most of them anyway. We took some iconic movies and found some incredible Bible lessons that will amaze you as you see the good in things that maybe elude you.

Nothing is as effective as the written word. These articles allow you to slowly read and understand the answers to some of the toughest questions and subjects we encounter today.

Our documentaries are a staple of learning at Tent 39 Ministries. We have quite an assortment of learning from Salvation to the Antichrist, it is worth a look.

Everyone loves music and to put a video to your favorite tune can draw emotions you have deep within. Some are from our documentaries and some are just old favorites. They are worth taking a look.

Dr. Fred Basset is a new addition to our learning portfolio. He is a Bible Scholar and teacher who is quirky, but very knowledgeable. Did we mention he is a muppet?

Little Bonnie is a little girl with questions that no one will answer. She befriends the moon and voila, a series of books evolves. With two of them in publication, you can also listen to them there.

The Bible is 66 different books, written by 40 plus authors, over about 1,500 years. Yet? It is one integrated message system from outside of our time domain and each book contains the creator of the universe. Route 66 is that road. Get on a ride and you'll see.

Forgiveness is the backbone of Christianity. This series has its own tab because it is impossible to please God without it. This is a MUST to review.

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